We get to see Ayu Kumano, a Japanese girl peeing in A Beautiful Girls’ Love by WOW! It’s lovely.
At the time of this writing, SLR Premium includes this video(worth it, imo).
The video only has one peeing scene, but it is a perfect scene. First, the shy Ayu Kumano stands in a shy posture, her hands defensively covering her petite breasts. Then, begins to pee. With some force, she allows it to explode out of her in a chaotic arch, splashing and running down her bare, skinny thighs. Eventually, we get to place our virtual hand in the stream, receiving a mini golden shower.
After Ayu is finished urinating, a random guy gives her a bath. Thankfully, this scene includes some beautiful shots of her naked butt. Her small yet perky ass is pure white with amazing tanlines. During this scene, she solemnly accepts the cleaning service. Therefore, I would classify the style as standard “shy Japanese girl” porn. Specifically, “shy Japanese girl peeing” porn, which is one of my favorite types of porn.
Going beyond the pissing scenes, this video has a bunch of regular sex stuff too:
Some examples include a blow job, some doggy style, GFE-style cuddling, and some changing voyeur. It’s a lot of fun.
In conclusion, I firmly believe you should check it out.
If you like this video, check out my review on another video from this series.
This video requires a VR headset. For tips on starting out, check out my guide for setting up the Oculus Quest 2 for VR porn here.

At the time of this writing, this video is included with SLR Premium. SLR Premium is worth it. If you’re curious to learn more about SexLikeReal, check out my review of SLR Premium here.